• Blog,  Food & Nutrition,  Wellness Challenges

    5 Ways to Achieve Wellness

    To achieve wellness, we all can benefit from these five things: healthy diet, structured exercise, mind/body/spirit connection, dietary supplements, and essential oils. Each plays a role in supporting the other, but all things start with diet, and the others support what we eat to help us be as healthy as we can be. Wellness is called a journey because to achieve it requires an individualized plan that may take time to figure out. While there is merit in one-size-fits-all options, most times you will have to adapt them to fit your needs, your current health situation, and your ability to maintain your efforts. However, nutrition is nutrition … you absolutely…

  • Blog,  Food & Nutrition,  Young Living

    Organic, Organic, Organic: What Does That Even Mean?

    IS ANYTHING REALLY ORGANIC? WHAT I’VE BEEN TOLD The labeling of foods as organic is confusing because we’re not actually eating anything in its organic state. When some plants are in their organic state, they are poisonous, so the label itself is misleading. A food auditor years ago at Whole Foods, in Monterey California, told me the term “organic” was chosen to suggest that foods labeled as such are pesticide free, but what it really means is that fewer pesticides are used in the growing and harvesting process. I also learned from the same auditor that the only thing the green and white USDA organic circle means when it comes…