Blog,  EO Spotlight

The Modern Day EO Trio: Boost Your Immunity All Season Long

All Young Living essential oils – literally all of them – help to boost your immunity. They all act as antioxidants in your body and as preventatives to protect you from getting sick. The key is to learn how they work and which ones work best for what. This immunity trio is a great bundle to start with to protect your body.

The Big Three Essential Oils to Boost Your Immunity

At a minimum, everyone should have Lemon, Geranium, and Lauris Nobilis in their apothecary collection. Each has it’s own set of supportive properties, but together they offer antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory support.
Other essential oils for year-round support.
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Thieves – a proprietary Young Living Blend
But what do you do with these EOs once you get them? How do use them?

Here’s What I Do to Boost My Immunity

  1. Mix 2 drops each in 1 TBSP coconut oil (not the liquid) ad use a Q-Tip to swab the inside of my nose before I go out and about.
  2. Mix 5 to 10 drops each in a 10ml roller ball bottle and apply to my feet before going out. (Of course I rub it in first and put on my socks and shoes before heading out the door.)
  3. Aromatically: I put drops of each in a diffuser. The amount I use depends on the size of the diffuser and whether or not I mix them with other immune boosting essential oils. If I only use these three, I will add about 3 drops each.
  4. I diffuse them in my home and in my car to and from places I visit.
In a 2oz. glass spray bottle, I mix 10 drops each with the kind of Witch Hazel that has Aloe Vera but no alcohol. Then I spray the outside of my mask before going into places that require me to wear it, and I spray my steering wheel, gear shift and all other areas of my car before I get back in after visiting public place.

Sheri Rose – Educator, Writer, Editor, and Essential Oils Coach – Young Living Brand Partner – Referral # 12488561 Sheri Rose is an avid reader and writer who enjoys spending time loving on her husband, family, friends, and her three dogs. As an educator, editor/writer, and essential oils coach, Sheri has helped others all her life. She currently studies aromatherapy at the Aromahead Institute and has completed her essential oils coaching certification with Dr. Josh Axe. Essential oils and essential oil products are not just a hobby for her, they are a part of her daily routine, and she loves sharing with others how to use them to create a healthy lifestyle. Overall, Sheri is quirky and kind and compassionate, she works daily to maintain wellness, and she truly cares about the health and wellbeing of others.