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Wellness Challenge: Stress Recovery

Who’s ready for the stress recovery wellness challenge? The bingo wellness challenge is nearly over in 10 days, so now is a great time to plan for the next one, right?


When to Start The Challenge

Starts whenever you want it to. I’m starting in October after I get my products.


This month’s challenge is about emotional and psychological stress and what it does to your body. The mind/body connection is so powerful, when we experience emotional trauma, our physical body often responds in less than favorable ways.


So what do we do about it?


  • We investigate.
  • We examine.
  • We read.
  • We ask.
  • We find help.

That’s where I come in, and I offer consultations to help you support your wellness journey.


Essential Oils and Supplements for Stress Recovery

Stress may tear down your immune system, but Young Living has many supplements to give your immune system a boost. One of the best things you can do daily to boost your immune system is to drink Dr. Peter Minke’s “Red Drink.”


If you only drink the “Red Drink” for the next two weeks, your immune system will thank you with a feel good powerhouse of protection. The combination of immune boosting antioxidants and liver protecting chemistry of Lime essential oil helps counteract the damage caused by too much stress. Imagine what it would do if you drank it for a year!


The “Red Drink Recipe”

  • Mix 1 to 2 ounces of NingXia Red in 16 to 24 ounces of water.
  • Add 1 tsp. of Sulfurzyme powder or 2 Sulfurzyme capsules broken open and poured into the liquid. Good natural detox. Good for the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Add 3 drops of Lime essential oil. Great for Immune System boosting and liver support.
  • Shake and drink through the day for hydration, an antioxidant boost of super fruits, and the antioxidant boosting, immune system supporting, and liver protecting chemistry of Lime of essential oil.

Click here for a presentation of Dr. Minke making his “The Red Drink.”


Take Charge of Cortisol

When it comes to stress, the cortisol loop is the culprit. In the loop, cortisol is constantly being activated which is hard on your body and can interrupt your sleep. While your body needs cortisol to wake you up and get you going, it also needs cortisol to be in balance with melatonin, the sleep hormone. When cortisol is too high for too long, it causes problems for your overall health. Signs you’re cortisol needs to be brought back into balance include the following:


  1. Metabolic problems
  2. Fatigue
  3. Blood pressure problems
  4. Depression
  5. Sleep problems
  6. Feelings of weakness
  7. Unregulated endocrine system
  8. Hormone problems
  9. Immune system problems
  10. Burn out

For more information on how cortisol works in your body, read “Cortisol” from You and Your Hormones: an education resource from the Society for Endocrinology.

Enter Oxytocin for Stress Recovery

One way to bring these two hormones in check is to activate your oxytocin or what Dr. Anna Cabeca calls the “feel good” hormone. Dr. Cabeca is my go-to for all things hormone related. The main way to activate your oxytocin is to do something that makes you feel good. Here is a short list of ideas that might work for you. If not, the key is to find something that makes YOU feel good.

  1. Hug someone – probably the best way to activate your oxytocin. Hugs and kisses. Who doesn’t like those?
  2. Take a walk; listen to nature; enjoy the fresh air. You’re get your vitamin D for the day, too.
  3. Meditate. It will calm your mind and relax you. It can even invigorate you.
  4. Go dancing! My favorite. It’s exhilarating.
  5. Get a pet. Nothing makes you feel better than the critters.

Before You Start the Challenge

Take look behind the scenes of this new challenge, and decide for yourself if you’d like to take it. You can start today, but you can start your stress recovery challenge any time. It’s important to try to find ways for your body to process and recover from stress. Scientific research agrees.


So let’s take a quick look behind the scenes of what’s happening with stress and WHY it affects so many body systems. Read more about it here, “Stress Recovery Challenge Details,” and let me know if you decide to except the challenge.

Sheri Rose – Educator, Writer, Editor, and Essential Oils Coach – Young Living Brand Partner – Referral # 12488561 Sheri Rose is an avid reader and writer who enjoys spending time loving on her husband, family, friends, and her three dogs. As an educator, editor/writer, and essential oils coach, Sheri has helped others all her life. She currently studies aromatherapy at the Aromahead Institute and has completed her essential oils coaching certification with Dr. Josh Axe. Essential oils and essential oil products are not just a hobby for her, they are a part of her daily routine, and she loves sharing with others how to use them to create a healthy lifestyle. Overall, Sheri is quirky and kind and compassionate, she works daily to maintain wellness, and she truly cares about the health and wellbeing of others.