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Back-to-School Wellness: Week 1 – Essential Oil Quality Matters

Got kids? Stay tuned. Kids grown? That’s OK. Young Living’s kids’ line of essential oils and products is perfect for your grand kids and to use on sensitive skin and the thinning skin that becomes more sensitive with age. If you don’t have kids, you may have nieces and nephews these products would work well for.


Over the next 7 to 10 days, I will be posting information about how YL’s products can improve and maintain wellness for your kids, grandkids, or yourself throughout the school year.


Essential Oil Quality for Home and School

Welcome to Days 1, 2, & 3

I’m sharing three posts today because the first two are introductions and Day 3 is the first with detailed product descriptions. After today, only one post will be made each day and labeled as Day 5, Day 6, and so on.


As parents, you make decisions every single day to ensure the well-being of your family. But how do you know you are making the best decisions?


You can keep researching until you find the answer you need, or you can take advice from someone that you already know and trust that has had positive experiences and results.


Today we are going to talk about all the things you can do to support your kids health this school year.


As I just mentioned, you have a lot of hard decisions to make as parents. Sometimes you may not know that you are making decisions that are harming your children.


Many personal care products, vitamins, and supplements are formulated with harmful chemicals and synthetics that can be very damaging to the body long term. They can cause developmental and hormonal problems, which is definitely something we all want to avoid with our precious growing children. After this class, you will know better, so you can do better.


Every product that I talk about in this series is from Young Living. YL makes all of its products WITHOUT the use of harmful or synthetic chemicals. The essential oils used to infuse the products are PURE.


Essential Oil Quality

Pure, high-quality products are more effective and create lasting results, which is exactly what every parent wants.


Seed to Seal

Young Living creates products for a purpose, not a profit. Its Seed to Seal Promise is proof that YL has your best interests in mind.


Young Living owns many farms and also has partner farms that have to abide by the same rules and regulations.


Young Living goes above and beyond organic standards to provide natural products that work. YL farms on land without the use of pesticides, hand weeds fields, and tests its essential oils multiple times in its million-dollar labs to produce products with the purest and highest quality chemical constituents. If a batch doesn’t meet these HIGH standards, YL will not bottle it up and send it to you.


Sheri Rose – Educator, Writer, Editor, and Essential Oils Coach – Young Living Brand Partner – Referral # 12488561 Sheri Rose is an avid reader and writer who enjoys spending time loving on her husband, family, friends, and her three dogs. As an educator, editor/writer, and essential oils coach, Sheri has helped others all her life. She currently studies aromatherapy at the Aromahead Institute and has completed her essential oils coaching certification with Dr. Josh Axe. Essential oils and essential oil products are not just a hobby for her, they are a part of her daily routine, and she loves sharing with others how to use them to create a healthy lifestyle. Overall, Sheri is quirky and kind and compassionate, she works daily to maintain wellness, and she truly cares about the health and wellbeing of others.