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Back-to-School Wellness: Week 2 – Essential Oil Use

Essential oil use is varied and you can use Young Living oils in three general ways: aromatically, topically, and internally.


Aromatic Use Essential Oils (Diffusing)

Using oils in a diffuser has a positive effect on your emotions. If your kids need a little motivation and focus to get their homework done or need something calming to get their actions to match the atmosphere, oils are going to be your best friend!


A Little Science Lesson


Ready for a little science lesson? When you inhale oils, the essential oil molecules travel through the olfactory bulb, trigger the limbic system in the center of the brain, and stimulate the amygdala.


The amygdala is the integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation. This is why diffusing oils is effective and efficient in helping to support positive moods for you and your kids!



Topical use of Essential Oils 


Applying oils topically is another option. You can apply the oils to specific vita flex points. Specific points in your ears, hands, and feet are linked to specific emotions, systems, and organs in the body.


Stimulating these points helps the associated emotion and systems. For example, the vita flex points for the brain are the thumb of the hand and big toe of the foot.


Other Critical Places for Topical Essential Oil Use

  • Apply to the back of the neck, the wrists, or even a drop on your head.
  • No matter where you apply essential oils, they will absorb into your skin, and you will be good to go.


NOTE: Any time you are using an oil for the first time, dilute it with a carrier oil and apply it to your forearm to see how you respond. If it makes your skin red, you either need to dilute it further or avoid that essential oil. Every child may respond a little differently, so be sure to use this testing method on everyone.


Essential Oil Use and Carrier Oils

Any fatty oil makes a good carrier oil. One or more of the following carrier oils is a good place to start.


  • olive oil
  • coconut oil
  • grapeseed oil
  • avocado oil


Internal Use of Essential Oils 


Young Living (YL) oils are PURE. The YL internal/dietary line is called the Vitality line and is rated GRAS, which stands for Generally Regarded As Safe for consumption. This is a designation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to indicate that a chemical or substance is considered safe by experts. The Vitality line has labels and directions indicating the oils are safe for internal consumption.


*****The regular line has directions for aromatic and topical uses. In fact, Lemon oil and Lemon vitality are the SAME oil with different labeling and directions. SAME oil, DIFFERENT label.


Of course, if you are not comfortable using oils for internal consumption, that’s perfectly fine. Topical and aromatic uses are great options.


Please use your own judgment when deciding if your child is old enough to ingest oils. Diluted oils are always gentler.

Sheri Rose – Educator, Writer, Editor, and Essential Oils Coach – Young Living Brand Partner – Referral # 12488561 Sheri Rose is an avid reader and writer who enjoys spending time loving on her husband, family, friends, and her three dogs. As an educator, editor/writer, and essential oils coach, Sheri has helped others all her life. She currently studies aromatherapy at the Aromahead Institute and has completed her essential oils coaching certification with Dr. Josh Axe. Essential oils and essential oil products are not just a hobby for her, they are a part of her daily routine, and she loves sharing with others how to use them to create a healthy lifestyle. Overall, Sheri is quirky and kind and compassionate, she works daily to maintain wellness, and she truly cares about the health and wellbeing of others.